It’s that time of year again: when women of all ages dress up in as little clothes possible, paint some whiskers on their face and call their costume a “sexy cat.” While we’ve participated in our share of “Slutoweens” (dare we confess: we dressed as an actual prostitute for Halloween in 7th grade), celebrities just seem to nail the sexy-spooky look better than we normals ever could. Sure, we’ve tried to pull of the skanky mermaid costume for years now. But Mariah Carey will always do it better, you know?
Mimi, Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, CoCo, Selita Ebanks, Ashley Greene - all these ladies have sexed it up on October 31st, but only one can be awarded the crown for Sexiest Halloween Costume of All Time. We pick a winner below!
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